Our doors are open. Feel free to come to us if you need advice, etc.
Today starts the countdown to bring solutions to the market to fight unemployment globally. We started the company to solve challenges and we continue to do so.
Let us go through what we are fighting:
- The biased automated systems that have caused a lot of pain, trouble, and money. This has affected us for years and we know how it feels.
- The greed of powerful companies. It’s becoming more and more noticeable.
- The wrong mindset that has resulted in a poor and sick world with almost no means nor a job to fight back. Not even governments have enough money. Where’s the money?
- We are also fighting to help small companies and future business owners. These are the ones that need most of the help. We are included.
What are we bringing to the table?
New systems
New mindset
More collaboration
But most of all we are bringing disruption!
If there is anything you need, do not hesitate to come to us. We will be very happy to help you. It will be a PLEASURE!
200% focus now! No mercy!
10.32 pm: We are worried. Time passes by and there is a lot of injustice. People are losing their homes because they cannot afford to pay their rent (we saw an interview today). And the COVID is out of control (we read it in the news). How long will this go on? Our patience has ended a long time ago. It’s mostly because of the nonsense we have been hearing.
There are very important decisions to be made, but there is denial, and with the presence of denial, it is impossible to solve the problem. This lack of action and the existence of nonsense is unacceptable. We listened to several interviews on CNN today and we understood that the only solution is a change of US Presidency.
And for the rest of us, we need a solution to unemployment especially the situation affecting women. We’ve been saying this for years now. We need more remote work and the change to systems that are not biased.
These are our words, our thoughts. We are with you.
We feel what is going on and we see the impact.
We need a solution fast! Get rid of the denial. See to it that we have leaders that take action and bring real solutions to the table.
Violence is growing and this is also a bad sign. We have a bad feeling about an article we read today. The situation is soon getting more out of control. And then there are articles about animals being mistreated and found in the most unbelievable places in very bad conditions. This is also a bad sign. It’s a sign of lack of humanity, lack of compassion, and it also shows the existence of evil. Unfortunately, this is true. We said it before, there is a spiritual battle between good and evil going on in the world.
What is positive? The fact that people are wakening up now and there is a sign that changes are on the way. Let us keep our fingers crossed that this awakening continues and moves very quickly. Nevertheless, we need to continue fighting to make these changes crystalize.
It’s sad to see the world this way. It also makes us angry.
10.59 pm: We are disconnecting now from all this and taking a pause. We’ve seen and heard too much today.