We set our goals for 2020.
These are our quantum leap goals:
– Grow as a visionary leader and innovator. Finish executive education latest end of March and VR, AR, and MR specializations at the beginning of the year 2020.
– Get a VR-ready laptop and headset for our work and studies (this is a challenge): asap.
– Find a remote job: Content Marketing Manager or Senior UX Designer for VR/AR.
– Get a grant for the Space projects, etc. We set it as a side goal but we are not counting on it.
– Finish the scholarship training Intel AI Edge: asap.
– Become excellent in Sales and Marketing (another challenge): ongoing. From the 17th of Jan. we are taking masterclasses.
– Increase sales and improve marketing strategies. We are working on this.
– Become a Certified Canfield Trainer.
– Become a 6 and 7-figure Professional Speaker. We are on the way!
– Grow our Space Community exponentially.
– Solve global problems and challenges with international partners. This is mainly in the Space and Flying cars sectors.
– Achieve a good life-work balance and follow the latest on advances in longevity..
– Lose weight: train 6 days a week. Goal: 55 kg (it will take time, perhaps 6 months). Started in Jan. 2020.
– Start our day reading good books written by Diamandis, Kotler, Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, Jack Canfield, and Harv T. Eker.
– Get out of the building and network with other entrepreneurs, business owners, and VR artists.
– Buy nice clothes for business meetings and speaking engagements.
We got 3 big goals to achieve together with our 3 mentors: Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy, and Harv T. Eker. The nearer we come to them, the nearer we will be to achieving our goals. And there will most probably be one more mentor in the Space area that we have not met yet. It is the only missing link now.
These are all measurable, achievable, and realistic goals since we already have the strategic plan and we are taking steps at a daily basis.
We’ve also started applying for remote jobs. We set the goal to start working at the end of January, earliest on the 26th.
Update: Jan. 9th 2020: We finished the ZBrush 2018 Certification course yesterday and we are finalizing another certification course on the same subject. It is a longer course. Today we start studying Substance Painter which is one of the most popular programs. The physical training is going well and we are taking daily power walks. Hopefully from today we start making our training longer.
No news regarding a remote position yet and we wonder when will Sweden change its mindset and open remote jobs for people. We also need positions for those who have not been able to get a foot in with 3D, VR, AR, etc. In other words, we need more Junior VR Designer positions for example. Through the years we have gained a lot of resilience but it is surprising that the job market is still at the same point. On the other hand, United Kingdom has loads of job ads. There is a huge difference! What is happening with Sweden? Not everybody gets the opportunity to work at an agency for 3 years.
In our spare time, we learn calligraphy and watercolor painting. These are our new hobbies.
Regarding networking, we start in the beginning of March.
Update: Jan 10th 2020: Today we increase our power walks, in other words, they will be longer and at a daily basis. We start the sales and marketing training to improve our skills, and we increase the tempo to finalize the specializations. This year we have the goal to change everything that is keeping us from making progress. We will be networking more and working smarter, not harder and with a focus on successful results. In short, the focus will be on exponential and emerging technologies, growth mindset, success, and measurable results.
These are our views regarding the job market in Sweden:
We see that, for example jobs in the Arts/IT Sector, like 3d Artist, VR/AR Designer, UX Designer for VR/AR, etc. are not enough and once again we stress the importance of creating remote work for people living in Sweden (and even around the world). We remember when we were told that remote work is not part of the Swedish culture. Furthermore, it is not enough that companies state that they hire people regardless of their race, gender, etc. We want to see more women working with 3D, VR/AR, and so on. Is it really happening in reality? Where are they? There are mostly men in those positions and it’s time that this changes once and for all!
We’ve been paying attention. We’ve tried some online CV scanners and saw errors in the results. It is unbelievable how these systems fail. They look for words like “collaboration” but fail to find “collaborative”. This is just one example. These faulty systems are one of the reasons why we have the gender and knowledge gap worldwide today.
Furthermore, the mindset has to change. The focus is on experience. While experience is important, it is even more important to have the ability to grow, keep up with the latest trends, and innovate. In the disruptive world that we live today, experience is not enough. If you cannot innovate, you are disrupted! In short, there should be a growth mindset! If Sweden cannot provide enough jobs for everyone, like for example for women or people that are just coming into the job market and that have just finished their education (specialization courses, etc), then it should open remote jobs so people can get hired somewhere else where there is a more open mindset. We are tired that this keeps being present through the years. It’s time that the governments take action to change things. We all have the right to grow. Remote working is also a culture and even remote workers should have the right to work where they want and be able to grow. So they should also be included in the companies. We believe that systems will improve through the years and that remote work will actually take place more and more so why not start now to improve the conditions?. It’s going to happen anyway.
We also want to see more support for the small companies, business owners, and entrepreneurs. Small companies need help with sales and marketing. And regarding the customers, we want to stress that not everything can be free for them. They have to understand that companies need to sell their products and services. The freebies cannot go on forever. Of course some things can be free, but customers should not expect to see everything for free.
People: It’s time to grow! We have to prepare people for a very disruptive and amazing future. We also have to take into account that we are living longer. Increasing the age for retirement without preparing how the people will survive and where they will find work is just creating another problem when we still have not solved the problems and challenges that we already have. This is very serious. And if you put this together with a possible WW3 it is even worst. Let’s think positive and work for peace and a better work and life balance for everyone. Nobody knows who will be the leaders of tomorrow nor where the needs will be. If the opportunities are only given to those that have 3 years of experience we never get new people in the job market which makes us all weaker, not stronger. Once the customers, demands, etc. increase the companies will not have enough personnel to jump in and get the job done and the people that are already there might change work, retire, and so on. There has to be a balance!
This is the transparency that characterizes our company.
Update Jan 17, 2020. Okay we’ve been working with 2D and 3D the past weeks in the specializations we are finishing.
We also updated our CV, had some job interviews, and improved our portfolio website. There will be more improvements in the coming months. Today we will be busy with a coaching masterclass we are taking from a business coaching guru. In the coming weeks, we have 3 more masterclass sessions.
Feb. 10: We are on target with an increased speed, 200% focus, and strategic collaborations on the way. The focus is on implementation, innovation, digital marketing, sales, and strategy.
Feb. 23 and 24: Operations.
Feb. 25: Blogging and marketing.
Feb. 26: Key business meetings and LAUNCH in the afternoon!
Feb 27: Global. Afternoon: OUT!